Sunday, January 13, 2008

I am....

...amazing!!! wow. yea.
Hello to all my favorite pervs, ppls, and of course...AKITO LOVERS!!!!!!!!!
omg, ok there is this show on FUNimation called Kodocha. it is like the FUNNIEST show in the whole worlde!!!!!!!!!!
Yea. so my darling friend Isabelle, and i are gonna get white t-shirts and write on tem, I <3 AKITO!!!
And on the back and babbit too!!

Yesh, im also in love wiff babbit, which ish a bat/rabbit!!!!!!
oh. nd, i love Spiral. IT IS AMAZING!!!! yea. so.

Sorry, m'loves, buut...i guttaa go!!!

oh, and 1 mowa ting.......


i like chocolate millk.

Cherry-feeling very high rite naow. ;)


Isabelle said...

Don't forget Fruits Basket, and my one true love, KYO!!!!!!!!

Cherry said...

ONLY AKITO!! and i looked that dude up on google, and he ish... UGLY! :(