Saturday, November 10, 2007


Oh hi. you scared me.
Yea um, so i just made my blog yesterday, and, well,.............yea.
ok i wish i had something exciting to write about..................OH YEAH I DO!!!
OK so it was like night, and i was in bed, my mom came in and said, "hey do u need another blanket??"
I nodded.
"huh...OK" she said.
She went into the hallway to open the door to go downstairs, and get me a blanket.
She trys to open the door, but it won't open.
"HEY!" She said.
HMMM she tried again, but it wouldn't open.
"GRRRR! we are locked UP HERE!!!"mom screamed
She tried again.
DIDN't work.
she went into her room and got her poket knife
she tried to unskrew the door knob.
it worked.
and on the other side, the other doorknob fell out.
the door, still wouldn't budge.
My mom screamed. (In rage)
She came in my room, and got my scooter,
she opened it and started breaking the door down with it.
"MOM what are u doing to my scooter???!!!" I said
"well, do u have a better idea?"
"no" i said.
she maid, a HUGe hole in the wall.
and then she unskrewed the hinges and took the door down, and now the door is in my brothers room.
just sitting there.
Yea so at least that door was made of crappy material , so she could break it down
yea so, now therre is all this debre around the place where the door would be.

yea, so love Ya Bye!!

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